Bandeira do Brasil Guia de Turismo em Salvador

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Tour Guides in Salvador

Carlos Barbosa

Hi, I'm Carlos, nice to meet you! Graduated in business administration, but always a lover of tourism, I started my professional life around 20 years ago working in hotels, restaurants and events, before developing my career as a Tour Guide. I lived in the United States, where I finished my final year of High School, and also in Europe, where I studied in France and Germany. I love traveling and discovering new cultures and I am equally passionate about my homeland, Salvador, a vibrant city with a fascinating mix of indigenous, European and African cultures. I love researching our rich history and culture and sharing it with our visitors. I am available to provide you with an excellent experience in Salvador and in the beautiful tourist regions of our state. Welcome to Bahia!​

Bandeira do Brasil Guia de Turismo em Salvador
Idioma English Guia de Turismo em Salvador
Gabriela Parnetti

Gabriela Parnetti

Hello, it’s so nice to meet you! I’m Gabriela. I was born in Buenos Aires, where I attended a British school and learned English from a very young age. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Public Relations and I lived and travel extensively in USA and Europe, both as a student and as a tourist. As a passionate traveller, one of those trips took me to Salvador, in 1993 and it was love at first sight! Im a licensed tour guide since 2000 and began focusing my studies on the mix of cultures and the profound African influence that is so present here and that fascinated me since the beginning. I have a lot of experience organizing itineraries based on the specific interests of my clients. I’m very enthusiastic about exploring unusual places outside of the typical tourist path, try delicious street food, and get in touch with the real soul of the city. Come to experience Salvador in the most authentic possible way!

Bandeira do Brasil Guia de Turismo em Salvador
Idioma English Guia de Turismo em Salvador
Bandeira do Espanha Guia de Turismo em Salvador

Edi Moreira

Hi, I'm Edi Moreira! I was born and raised in Salvador, Bahia and I am very much involved with our local culture. I studied Computer Science, but I've always been very connected in the tourism field. My father worked his whole life in hotel management and with that I grew up in this environment. I officially became a tour guide over 20 years ago. In the beginning, I only worked with Brazilians, but soon after, I also started working with South Americans. Then, I've decided to broaden my horizons, so I traveled to Europe, where I studied in Madrid and Barcelona for a while, ​​got involved in the local culture and learned the Spanish language. Next step, I moved to London, where I lived for four years at William Temple House, where I started studying at the Frances King School of English and then moved to Hammersmith And West London College. Today I work in Portuguese, English and Spanish languages. Working as a tour guide has always been a very big passion for me and, because of that, I feel completely fulfilled! Welcome to Bahia!

Bandeira do Brasil Guia de Turismo em Salvador
Idioma English Guia de Turismo em Salvador
Bandeira do Espanha Guia de Turismo em Salvador

Ana Lavigne

Hi! I'm Ana Lavigne, a Tour Guide, registered at the Ministry of Tourism as a Regional and International Guide in English, German and Portuguese, of course! I'm an Economist, I worked at the Electricity Company in the state of Bahia and I am also an artist, I paint fabrics and mandalas. I love traveling and I take small groups to Southeast Asia and Europe as a Tour Conductor. I've lived in the United States (exchange student program), Holland, England and Germany. I've had the privilege of visiting 46 countries. I graduated as a Tour Guide in 2003 and since then, I really enjoy introducing my hometown, Salvador and my state, Bahia, to visitors from all over the world. Welcome!

Bandeira do Brasil Guia de Turismo em Salvador
Idioma English Guia de Turismo em Salvador
Bandeira do Alemanha Guia de Turismo em Salvador
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